smartphone cloud
Cloud Access

24x7 Access to Admin Portal on any device on any operating system.

smartphone cloud
Mobile Application

Outstanding Report, Ledger Access, Payment Registration for Salesman & Delivery Team

smartphone cloud
Dedicated Database

Secured data storage with seamless data Updating via Existing System Generated Reports just on few clicks


User Registration & Access

Admin regulated Creation of Application User. Users get access to Retailer Ledger according to allocated Beat & Route plan. One retailer can be allocated multiple routes. One route can be allocated to multiple app users
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Informative Ledger Access

Access to day-wise allocated Retailers Ledger Data. Invoices with Adjustments- Sales Return, Expiry Replacement or Credit Note are marked accordingly in Ledger. All verified transactions gets auto reconciled on FIFO basis.
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Cash Payment Registration

No need to make Hisaab while collecting cash payment from retailers on paper. Cash Calculator- User just need to enter the number of each currency verified total would process further. Assists users who struggle to calculate currency. Instant Payment Slip Generation and Message Notification to Retailer
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Bank Payment Registration

Register Bank Payments done by Retailers- UPI/ Cheque/ Bank Transfers as Un-Verified Payments. Verifies Payment after Bank Reconciliation.
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Collection Report Accessibility

Simple Interface to Access all Payment Collection Data with Auto Sum Total, Filtering Tools and Date Sorting.
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Get your 8 Character PD****** User-Id from Admin.
Download the Application “paperDRS” from Google Play store
You would receive an OTP on your registered mobile number for this user-id
Done !! You have now access to All Your Data 24x7 at Your finger-tip
User Centric Interface

Simple reflection of financial information for salesman and delivery team. Tools to Shortlist and Filter Information on click of a Button.

Colour Synchronised

Colour assorted data visualization for easy interpretation by users.

Controlled Access

Clutter free information according Beat-Route Plan of Salesman and Delivery schedule of Delivery Team.

Instant Notification Verification

Instant message confirmation to retailer of payment deposit. Digital Payment Receipt is generated for each payment transaction.

Our Admin Panel

PaperDRS Admin Panel Helps in Solving Problems

Seamless Data-Integration

Upload Invoice and Bank Statement data generated from your existing billing software and Bank respectively in Excel in few clicks to your PaperDRS database without any need to format or tools, Bank statements, etc.

Daily Cash and Cheque Collection

You would know how much Cash and Cheque to be collected by Salesman and Delivery Team before they reach your office after market visit. You just need to collect the Net Amount of Cash and Cheque from user and verify using OTP. Rest all we take care.

Admin Controls

Manage Mobile Application ‘paperDRS’ User Access. Creation of Masters- Retailers, Salesman, Route, App Users. Allocating Route to Retailers and Salesman. OTP Authentication for critical data validations.

Data Verification and Authentication

No more fear of data manipulation in your existing systems. No transactions can sneak out under your nose. Auto checking of Cheque Bounce in Bank statement and posting in Retailer Ledger with defined bouncing charge.

Bank Reconciliation

Get your entire Bank statement reconciled. No more follow ups for suspense entries or unposted Bank transactions. Seamless data visibility allows you to go for live Bank reconciliation anytime from anywhere.

Data- Visualization

Get all your day-to-day Informations related to Invoice or Payments, Banks, Sales Return, Expiry, Credit Note at few clicks from your hand. Sorting and Filtering Tool according distribution business needs, at few clicks of button. Know your true Live market outstanding 24x7.


Simple and Powerful Dashboard Tools

We assist you to get your information at your finger tip, whenever you desire and from wherever you desire. Get all your financial information of Invoices and Payments in simple and self-reflective visual form with Data Analytics Tools, just at click of buttons.

PaperDRS the platform for financial health of your distribution need

For distributor and assorted to individual salesman. Eliminates wrong posting of payment information to other retailer. No more suspense entries to get real-time verified outstanding of retailers
  • Eliminates all paper works and Hisaab, Cash collection Vouchers for salesman.
  • Eliminates hustle to safe keep paper documents.
  • Cashier just need to collect the Net Cash Amount and Net Amount Cheques as per Payment Collection Report on Dashboard.
  • It needs to be authenticated by OTP, Rest all tasks PaperDRS does automatically for you
  • Duplicate transactions free database for reliable true information.
  • Data Authentication and Verification process at each stage according to the work nature of distribution business and day-to-day business cycle.
  • Manual errors in process of data recording and posting in Accounting Software is eliminated by Auto-Process.
  • Real-time data updations help you in making timely decisions on Retailer outstanding and payment irregularities, e.g. Cheque Bounce, Excessive Outstanding Days
  • The updated your systems are, the upgraded your decisions are !!

Review From FMCG Distributors


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The Seeker


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  • Free
  • Limited Data Storage*
  • 90 days Historical Data Back-up

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Test pilots


Per Month
  • Charged/ Active App User
  • Limited Data Storage*
  • 15 Months Historical Data Back-up
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The Aviators


Per Month
  • Charged/ Active App User
  • Unlimited Data Storage
  • 39 months Historical Data Back-up
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The Veterans


Per Month
  • Charged/ Active App User
  • Unlimited Data Storage
  • Unlimited Historical Data Back-up
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