Mobile Application
Real Time Cash & Bank Payment registration in market.

Get Payment Registration Slip with instant message Notification.

Payment Deposit slip at distributor point upon day-close
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Live Payment Registration and Notification
No more Handling and Verification of physical Payment records (Cash or Bank). Register Cash and Bank Payments by salesman at Retailer Store with instant Notification. Auto Generation of Payment Collection Report of every App User
24x7 Access to Retailer Ledger on Mobile Application
Access to All transactions of Retailers including Invoices and respective Sale Return-Expiry -Credit Note. History of All Payments made by Retailers be it Cash/UPI/Bank Transfer/Cheque etc at fingertip within Ledger with bank statement reconciliation
Video Presentation

Watch videos to get a walkthrough of mobile Application

The Video let gives a walkthrough of mobile application. Walkthrough upon Integrated tools and features as per the need of the user. Non updated bank payment details on one page on single click etc. How to use filters and Ledger to get detailed information of Invoices or Payment.
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How PaperDRS Works

We assist you to get your information at your finger tip, whenever you desire and from wherever you desire. Get all your financial information of Invoices and Payments in simple and self-reflective visual form with Data Analytics Tools, just at click of buttons.
User Identification & Access

Users validated by Distributor gets an identity card. Users get access to Retailer data according to allocated Beat & Route plan

Informative Ledger Access

Access to day-wise allocated Retailers Ledger Data. Invoices with Adjustments- Sales Return, Expiry Replacement or Credit Note

Cash Payment Registration

No need to make Hisaab while collecting cash payment from retailers on paper. Instant Payment Slip Generation and Message Notification to Retailer upon registration.

Bank Payment Registration

Register Bank Payments done by Retailers- UPI/ Cheque/ Bank Transfers as Un-Verified Payments. Verifies Payment after Bank Reconciliation

Collection Report Accessibility

Simple Interface to Access all Payment Collection Data with Auto Sum Total, Filtering Tools and Date Sorting

Un-verfied Payment Details

Information of bank payment registered by user but not received in bank statement on single click of button. Auto- Notification of Cheque-Bounce